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Parcours PCCP Graduate Program LIGHT S&T

Dernière mise à jour :

The international PCCP- UBGrads Light program aims to integrate Master students within academic and industrial fields of fundamental physical chemistry. Various aspects are concerned: study of matter and its transformations, analysis and control of physical and chemical processes, light matter interactions and spectroscopy techniques, modelling of physical and chemical processes from molecular to macroscopic scale. Applications cover scientific fields ranging from nanotechnologies, photonics, optoelectronics and organic electronics to environmental sensors and detection systems. All courses taught in English.

Recently included in the Light Sciences and Technologies Graduate Program of the University of Bordeaux, the PCCP- UBGrads Light program sensitize students to light sciences and their
applications, in addition to a strong knowledge is physical chemistry. This program includes a strong research experience validated by 42 ECTS.


The PCCP- UBGrads Light Master program is supported by high-level educational and research partners. Students follow their courses within a challenging, international environment.
Annual summer schools, organized by the academic consortium partners and the Graduate school consortium, complete the students’ training by offering a focus on several topics
relative to physical chemistry and photonics.

• The first year of the Master degree is focused on the fundamental aspects of Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics, quantum mechanics and chemistry, spectroscopy, solid state physics and numerical tools).
It is an also opportunity to discover the research environment in the frame of a 6 months granted internship (2 month full time, 3-4 months part-time internship) on the Bordeaux campus. Students have the opportunity to acquire new skills in the fields of physical chemistry, computational chemistry, materials sciences or photonics.
Total credits for this first internship: 12 ECTS

• The second year is dedicated to specialized topics (advanced spectroscopy and imaging, photonics, computational chemistry, environmental sciences).
The last semester consists in a full time 6 months granted internship. International mobility is strongly encouraged for students entering the PCCP- UBGrads Light Master program. However national or local alternatives are possible.
The Research Collaboration Network includes international teams from Université de Namur (Belgium), Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, (Spain) and Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands), Laval University (Québec), Sao Paolo State University state UNESP (Brazil), and many others.
Total credits for this second internship: 30 ECTS


After graduation, students are fully prepared to pursue doctoral studies and a career in research. They may also work as scientists or R&D engineers within the industrial field.

Website of the program

LIGHT Sciences and Technologies Graduate Program


  • Frédéric Castet

  • Véronique Jubera